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Year 6: Mrs Antoszkiw and Mrs Marks


Welcome to the Year 6 class page!

Reading diaries: In school each day please
Spellings & Times-tables: Every Friday morning.
Homework: Date TBC
Homework books: Every Wednesday please.
PE Day:During the summer term, PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Having trouble learning your times-tables?

We all like learning differently. Try TT Rockstars, Hit The Button and practising often at home.

Here for you to check out is Percy Parker and he has a song for every times-table. Good luck!


Want to recall or revise some key facts for class?

Choose a subject below, and view the 2-sided fact sheet.
Want or lost your own paper copy? Ask your teacher.



Design Tech






Local Study
Game Variables


3D Modelling
Sensing Movement
Knowledge Organisers


In our English lessons this term, we will be reading The Good Thieves by Katherine Rundell. Fresh off the boat from England, Vita Marlowe has a job to do. Her beloved grandfather Jack has been cheated out of his home and possessions by a notorious conman with Mafia connections. Seeing Jack's spirit is broken, Vita is desperate to make him happy again, so she devises a plan to outwit his enemies and recover his home.

She finds a young pickpocket, working the streets of the city. And, nearby, two boys with highly unusual skills and secrets of their own are about to be pulled into her lawless, death-defying plan.
During our final term of Year 6, we will be using this fantastic book to consolidate our writing skills before our transition to High School.



This term, we will be studying, statistics, shape and position and direction in detail. We will continue to revisit other areas that we have previously studied and will be making sure that our arithmetic skills are ready to rock ready for High School!

Glass Cubes




This half term, we have one of my favourite Science themes which is Evolution and Inheritance.

By the end of this half term, we will be able to:


  • recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago

  • recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents

  • identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution


Want to learn more? Use the DK Find Out button higher up this page.

DNA Strand


Is there another Nantwich between New York and Los Angeles? Well, Year 6, during this term, you are going to be finding out the answer to this question using a range of skills and knowledge.
We will be busy making comparisons between Nantwich and areas of the USA which will fit in fantastically with our Science units this term as we will also be able to investigate the similarities and differences between living things and their habitats.

USA flag.jfif

Word Aware

To help new words stick in your long-term memory, use the Word Aware rap.

Choose a word from your weekly spelling list, and join in with the rap.

Think about...

What does it start with?
How many syllables does it have?
What does it rhyme with?
Can you put it in a sentence?

Share new words with your class.

Basic Maths Skills

Useful Basic Skills for Unconfident Mathematicians

Click on any of the topic videos below to watch some useful revision of basic skills needed in Maths.

Represent numbers to 100

10s and 1s using addition

Numbers to 1000

Numbers to 1000 (PVG)

100s, 10s and 1s (part 2)

Number line to 100

Find 1,10,100 more or less

Compare objects

Ordering numbers

Count in 50s


100s, 10s and 1s (part 1)

Number line to 1000

Compare numbers


"These videos will help you ;)"

Exercise your
"Learning Powers!"


Love learning?
Click the link.

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