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Year 2: Mrs Li & Miss Cadwallader

After a wonderful Autumn term in year 2, we begin 2024 with a leap into the wild. Watch this space as we explore the weird and wonderful to be found in the wildest parts of

Amazing Africa!

PE - Mondays and Fridays 
Spelling Test -Fridays / Book Change - Fridays
Homework books due in Wednesdays
Reading diaries signed and in school - daily
(remember to also write TTRS and spellings in the diaries each time your child practises at home so we can award dojos!) 

Check out the information below for a few clues about what we have in store! 
Don't forget to take a peek at our class newsletter for more information.

Having trouble learning your times-tables?

We all like learning differently. Try TT Rockstars, Hit The Button and practising often at home.

Here for you to check out is Percy Parker and he has a song for every times-table. Good luck!


Want to recall or revise some key facts for class?

Choose a subject below, and view the 2-sided fact sheet.
Want or lost your own paper copy? Ask your teacher.



Design Tech






Why is the Bible important to Christians?
Knowledge Organisers


This term we kick start the year with a  powerful fable about friendship transforming the world when Adam feels alone in a strange new city and misses his old friends in his far away home. This award winning books sets the scene for our learning about Africa as we are introduced to the differences between this colourful continent and our own, whilst recognising that people and friendship can cross such boundaries.

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Michael Foreman
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This term we will work on the follow areas of Maths:

Consolidation of:

Number and Place Value
Addition and Subtraction

New Learning:
Multiplication and Division

In addition to our daily maths lessons we will have a basic skills lesson to focus on skip counting leading to recall in times table facts, and build fluency in the recall of addition and subtraction facts.

To support your child at home please encourage them to play on TimesTables Rockstars and Numbots, regularly.



Use the videos below to practise your Childs learning at home.

Click Here


These videos will support all our new learning in class  on the topic - Addition and Subtraction




In our new topic we will be learning about different materials - identifying the suitability of materials for specific uses and finding out how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed.

Click on the videos to learn more about our science topic at home.

Over the next few weeks we will be conducting various spectacular science investigations such as, which material is best for holding Mrs Li's tea leaves?  and which material is best for a cup sleeve to keep our hot chocolates  warmer in the winter air?



By first entering into the wild, the children will use a range of sources to find out about life on this colourful continent. A look at the UK and a fieldwork study of Nantwich will reveal how life in this part of the world compares to that in the different regions of Africa.

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Word Aware

To help new words stick in your long-term memory, use the Word Aware rap.

Choose a word from your weekly spelling list, and join in with the rap.

Think about...

What does it start with?
How many syllables does it have?
What does it rhyme with?
Can you put it in a sentence?

Share new words with your class.

Exercise your
"Learning Powers!"


Love learning?
Click the link.

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