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Year 4: Mrs Dickens and Mrs Hassall

Welcome to the Year 4 class page!

Reading diaries: Bring them in every day.
Spellings & Times-tables: Test on Fridays.
Homework: Half-termly tasks with books in every Wednesday.
PE Day:  
(Please come to school in your PE kit)


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Having trouble learning your times-tables?

We all like learning differently. Try TT Rockstars, Hit The Button and practising often at home.

Here for you to check out is Percy Parker and he has a song for every times-table. Good luck!


Want to recall or revise some key facts for class?

Choose a subject below, and view the 2-sided fact sheet.
Want or lost your own paper copy? Ask your teacher.




Design Tech



The Seasons
Musical Instruments
I can....
Knowledge Organisers


This term we are exploring Escape from Pompeii, a beautifully illustrated book by Christina Ballit. The tale explores the story of two children, Tranio and Livia, whose normal day is turned upside down by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD79.

In Guided Reading, we will be reading extracts of different stories, plays and poetry and looking at the different features of the texts. This will help the children see a wide range of different reading styles so they can find the one they love the most!

Please remember to keep reading at home - at least 10 minutes a day! - and signing your diary. This is vital for you to keep developing your reading skills and improving each day!

Remember, we draw our reading raffle every Friday. Every time you read in the week, you will get 1 ticket - you've got to be in it, to win it!



We will be looking at Place Value this half term, before further developing our addition and subtraction skills. We will then begin to explore fractions.

This year, we will be taking the Government Multiplication Check which is compulsory for all Year 4 children across the country. It is an online check, where the children get 25 random questions focussing on all the timestables (with the majority being based around the 6x, 7x, 8x, 9x and 12x tables).

The test is purely for a record of where the children are up to and to help make sure their timetable knowledge is secure for Upper Key Stage 2. The children have to get 25/25 to pass so we will be focussing on getting our rapid recall up this half term.

We will be doing TimesTables Rockstars multiple times a week and the children will bring home booklets to keep practising over the weekends. All the support you can offer is appreciated and can help the children reach their goals!

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Maths Help Videos


In our Year 5 "States of Matter" unit, children will explore the four states: solid, liquid, gas, and briefly, plasma. They'll learn how materials change state through processes like melting, freezing, evaporation, condensation, and sublimation, and connect this to the water cycle. Hands-on experiments will help them observe these changes in action, while discussions will reinforce key scientific terms such as particles, temperature, and properties of materials. You can support their learning by discussing everyday examples of states of matter, trying simple at-home experiments, and encouraging them to explain new vocabulary. Key terms include solid, liquid, gas, evaporation, condensation, and water cycle.

In the second half of the Autumn term we will be exploring our  "Electricity" unit, where children will learn about how electricity works by exploring circuits, conductors, and insulators. They'll discover how to build simple circuits using batteries, wires, bulbs, switches, and buzzers, and investigate the differences between complete and incomplete circuits. The unit will also cover safety around electricity and the importance of understanding safe use at home. Through hands-on activities and experiments, children will test materials to see which conduct electricity and which act as insulators. Key terms include circuit, conductor, insulator, battery, and switch.

As usual, we will continue to take part in STEM activities linked to our Science topics and explore the world as engineers and designers!

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Our theme this term will be Romans. We will consider the impact of Ancient Rome, including the Roman invasion of Britain. The children will learn about the significance of the Colosseum, a symbol of Roman architecture and gladiator battles, and study key figures like Julius Caesar, his rise to power, and his role in expanding the Roman Empire. The unit will also cover how the Romans invaded and influenced Britain, including roads, buildings, and governance. You can support their learning by discussing how Roman innovations still impact our world today and encouraging them to explain key events like the invasion of Britain and the life of Julius Caesar. Key terms include Colosseum, Julius Caesar, invasion, gladiator, and Roman Empire.


Word Aware

To help new words stick in your long-term memory, use the Word Aware rap.

Choose a word from your weekly spelling list, and join in with the rap.

Think about...

What does it start with?
How many syllables does it have?
What does it rhyme with?
Can you put it in a sentence?

Share new words with your class.

Basic Maths Skills

Useful Basic Skills for Unconfident Mathematicians

Click on any of the topic videos below to watch some useful revision of basic skills needed in Maths.

Represent numbers to 100

10s and 1s using addition

Numbers to 1000

Numbers to 1000 (PVG)

100s, 10s and 1s (part 2)

Number line to 100

Find 1,10,100 more or less

Compare objects

Ordering numbers

Count in 50s


100s, 10s and 1s (part 1)

Number line to 1000

Compare numbers


"These will help you ;)"

Exercise your
"Learning Powers!"


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